Out of profound love for our family members and ancestors, we sometimes take on some of their burdens and carry them as our own. We take on this energy to ‘lighten their load’ and ease their pain. Unfortunately, in reality, this does not help our loved ones as we intend, and in turn ends up causing immense pain and harm to ourselves and our lives.
Family Constellations is a multiple generational healing modality which dives into unconscious wounds buried in the family system. These wounds show up in our daily lives as problems arising in our relationships, illness and disease, abuse, depression, career issues and many more. By constellating an issue you are prepared to heal, the modality has the potential to release this energy and improve your life, sometimes in small ways and sometimes in major ways! Family Constellations is such powerful transformational work, some have said it has changed their lives! This modality is currently implemented in 35 countries around the world!